Happy Mother’s Day
Whether you have your first bundle on the way or have toddlers in tow by the handful, Mother’s Day should be all about you!
My husband forgot all about me last year AND the previous year… so it got me thinking… this year I will ensure it’s all about me and so came up with some ways to make the most out of this Mother’s Day with some inspiring ideas to make you feel good!
- Get a pedicure – Any kind of pampering is relaxing and this one is perfect if you’re pregnant when reaching your toes get’s tricky in the last few months!
- Go for a walk with your dog! – It’s impossible to be in a bad mood when you see how excited your puppy gets when he knows he’s going for a walk!
- Create a scrapbook – Being able to see all your precious memories in pictures and on paper will ensure happiness time and time again as you look back and generations to come can follow their family history.
- DIY face mask – Use ingredients from your pantry and give your skin an exfoliation or soothing face mask to replenish tired, dry skin and get your glow back! See the Bellabuy Facebook Page for inspiration and tried and tested recipes.
- Sexual healing – Well… it is a known fact that sex with your loved one has many health relaxing benefits not to mention it keeps you fit, healthy and happy!
- Spend some quality time with your partner – Pull out your favourite board game or card game and have a good laugh and enjoy a little competition to forget all your worries.
- Get crafty – As Jac has recently done, find your love for getting crafty and build, cook or sew something. It’s so satisfying to create something incredible out of almost nothing!
- Walk with your children to the park – Breath in the fresh air, keep the house clean while you’re out, exercise and run your children ragged all at the same time! Also a great way for your baby to wind down at the end of a long day so they will sleep well (hopefully…)
- Shake that booty – If your children are anything like my daughter; Ava, all I have to do is turn on some music that she loves and we can dance together until we both fall over with laughter and happiness.
Sometimes it seems like “alone” time is just a faint memory, but as a mum, taking time for you can be one of the most important things you do with your day.
So ladies, cherish Mother’s Day and then… once the day is over, keep smiling while you clean up the ‘accidents’ from toilet training and reload the washing machine for the 10th load that day…
Tags: mothers day